Eastern Veil Nebula - The Power of Narrowband Imaging in Cities, Jamie Chang

Eastern Veil Nebula - The Power of Narrowband Imaging in Cities

Eastern Veil Nebula - The Power of Narrowband Imaging in Cities, Jamie Chang

Eastern Veil Nebula - The Power of Narrowband Imaging in Cities



Acquisition details



Eastern Veil Nebula - The Power of Narrowband Imaging in Cities
My first work for spending more than 24 night hours on a single target

This is my first attempt at deep narrowband imaging in a city with Bortle 7 light pollution. The word deep means I would plan to spend several nights observing the same target. Through narrowband imaging, I can capture high-quality images with minimized light pollution or moonlight effects. Combining this with long-duration observations to increase the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), I can ultimately capture the beauty of faint object even from within the city.



Eastern Veil Nebula - The Power of Narrowband Imaging in Cities, Jamie Chang